Work for us

Current Opportunities

When roles are available you will find a link to where you can find out full details about the post and can request a recruitment pack. To find out more about what we do with our employees and potential employees’ data, please read over our Worker Privacy Notice. The purpose of this worker privacy notice is to explain to you the reasons why we hold and use your personal data, and to explain your rights under the current data protection laws.

Fair Work First Statement

At Govan Housing Association we are committed to the principles and practical application of Fair Work First for every member of our staff team throughout the employee lifecycle. We will achieve this by continuously reviewing and improving the way we work and ensuring our policies reflect our commitment to the principles of Fair Work First.

✓ Appropriate channels for effective voice, such as trade union recognition;

o We recognise a Trade Union and have a collective bargaining agreement in place through our membership of EVH
o We work closely with our staff and Trade Unions to ensure there is effective consultation and negotiation during any change management activities
o We undertake anonymous staff surveys to ascertain staff engagement. Results are communicated to staff and proposed action plans are developed and reviewed in
o We are in the process of implementing a staff working group which will be an information and consultative body providing an opportunity for dialogue and exchange
of views between management and staff on issues of mutual concern and interest

✓ Investment in workforce development;

o The Association funds a range of professional and vocational training programmes at all levels and employees are encouraged to access learning and development
o Training requirements are identified during, regular one to one discussion with managers and by individual development aspirations
o We have an annual mandatory training programme which supports our workforce development priorities
o We employee trainees and apprentices, where appropriate, to support staff to progress in their careers.

✓ No inappropriate use of zero hours contracts

o We have no zero hours contracts in place

✓ Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace

o We are members of Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH) and have adopted their terms and conditions and pay scales to ensure equality and transparency in relation
to pay.
o We regularly review and update our Equality and Diversity Policies and Procedures
o We have created an Equality & Diversity working group which is reviewing the Equality and Diversity Strategy and formulating an action plan which will be
o The Association has implemented an approach to collection and use of equalities data across all protected characteristics for job applicants and staff. This will be used to
identify and mitigate against any potential discrimination in recruitment/promotion including consideration of the gender pay gap and to create a more diverse workforce

✓ Payment of the Real Living Wage

o The Association pays the Real Living Wage to all staff

✓ Flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment

o We operate a flexible working model
o We have a Flexible Working Policy in place which offers options such as part time working, compressed hours, job share etc
o We have maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave, special leave and flexible working procedures in place
o Our terms and conditions set out compassionate and other special leave available to staff member which are supportive to promoting a positive work life balance.

✓ Oppose the use of fire and rehire practices

o We are committed to working with our employees and Trade Union representatives to ensure there is effective consultation and negotiation relating to change.

There are no current vacancies. Please check back later.

Interested in Becoming a Governing Body Member in a new and exciting Subsidiary?

 Do you have time to give as a voluntary governing body member to help shape the future of Govan Housing Association’s new subsidiary – Water Row Company – and help us to keep ‘Moving Govan Forward’?

Govan Housing Association Group is in the middle of a multi-million pounds development which is the Association’s first mid-market rent (MMR) housing aimed at working households looking to access high-quality, affordable, rented accommodation. Located on a strategically and historically important site at Water Row, on the Clyde, the Association plans to complete 92 new homes together with 6 commercial units in late 2023/early 2024.  This development, along with the construction of a new bridge linking Govan to Partick will bring a new dynamic to Govan.

To support this development, Govan Housing Association Group is creating a new subsidiary, the Water Row Company. Govan Housing Association will be the only shareholder of the subsidiary which means that profits from the Water Row Company go directly into the communities that we serve.  Although the Water Row Company will operate at arms length with an independent Board, Govan Housing Association will retain control of the subsidiary through effective governance processes and systems, and an independence agreement that sets out how the parent and subsidiary works together to enable the Water Row Company to meet its agreed aims and objectives.

Govan Housing Association is a leading provider of high-quality housing and housing-related services in the Govan area of Glasgow.  Govan Housing Association has a rich history of development and innovation. Founded in 1971 under the name ‘Central Govan Housing Association’, the Association was the first community-based housing provider, leading the way for social housing provision in Scotland.  We currently have ownership and management of over 1,600 properties in the local area and have delivered a number of award-winning new build developments – to assist with the continual development and regeneration of this proud and historic area.

The Water Row Company will be led by a Board that has overall responsibility for its governance and strategic direction.  As a Board Member, you will work in collaboration with the Executive Management Team on strategic planning, monitoring and control of high quality, efficient services for our customers and stakeholders.

We are recruiting members to our Board who have a particular interest in the Govan area of Glasgow and the property management sector as a whole.  We are looking for individuals with the interest, skills and commitment to help the Water Row Company achieve its objectives.  We are particularly keen to hear from individuals with knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Factoring / Property Management;
  • Subsidiary management;
  • Factoring / Property Management;
  • Commercially astute
  • Finance; and
  • Legal

We are committed to equality and diversity and welcome approaches from all sections of the community.

What can we offer?

This is a voluntary, unpaid position but Board members can claim travel and other expenses for attending meetings.  We also encourage Board members to develop their knowledge and skills by attending various events.

Your commitment

You will need to commit to attending around 4 Board meetings per year and other ad hoc meetings as required.

Please note: all Board members must sign a Code of Conduct prior to being permitted to join the Board and will also be subject to a Disclosures Scotland check.

How to apply

If you wish to find out more about the Water Row Company and Board membership please contact Nicole Salmon, Corporate Services Team Leader at or via telephone number 0141 406 6636.

For further information about Govan Housing Association, please visit our website at

We currently have vacancies on our Management Committee and would like to invite share-holders of the Association to get involved and join our Management Committee for the benefit of the local community. As a share-holder, you will have completed an application form, paid £1 and received a share certificate. Govan Housing Association is committed to supporting the continual development of the Govan community and supporting local people to thrive. We aim to do this through the provision of high-quality social rented housing, continual investment in our homes, as well as supporting local people through the community and financial inclusion work that we offer. By getting involved and becoming a Committee Member of the Association, you will be helping us to achieve these objectives.

More Information

If you have any questions please contact the Corporate Services department on 0141 440 6871 or email

Contact Us

Training & Work Experience

In order to continually invest in and diversify our staff team, we offer a number of volunteering opportunities, work placements and employment opportunities, not only within the Govan Housing Association Group, but with some of the contractors we employ on our large-scale planned maintenance programmes.

Our Community Inclusion Team deliver a comprehensive range of activities from our Community Hub on Govan Road. The programme of activities is constantly growing, and with this comes a number of volunteer opportunities. This provides participants the chance to learn and develop new skills or refresh skills whilst gaining confidence and self-esteem through helping others. This is also a vital opportunity to gain skills that could assist a transition into employment.

We work in partnership with a number of schools, colleges, universities and training providers to offer work placements to pupils and students.

We also ask the contractors we employ to provide work placement opportunities to young people, to help them gain experience in the construction industry. We advertise any work placement opportunities on our ‘Current opportunities’ page and also accept approaches from partnership agencies where they have candidates looking for opportunities.

We aim to offer a number of Modern Apprenticeships in business administration and housing. With the growth of our Govan Home Team subsidiary, we will be looking to offer a range of Apprenticeships, so watch this space. Again, these will be advertised within our ‘Current Opportunities’ page along with full details of what the posts entail.

The apprenticeships give young people the opportunity to begin their careers within Govan and the chance to progress within the organisation. Some of our contractors also offer apprenticeships as part of community benefits in procurement – we will advertise these opportunities on our ‘Current opportunities’ page.

We also work with a range of partner organisations to deliver training programmes and focused work placements for target groups.

One of our most recent projects was our Operation Modulus and Mini-Modulus project. Here we worked with a number of local partner agencies to deliver a holistic employability programme targeted at local young people who are currently disengaged, involved in the criminal justice system and who are marginalised from society due to varying factors.

The programme focuses on taking young people from these two main age groups and providing them with the skills and aspirations to better their life prospects, and to try and lead them on to a positive pathway in life, away from the criminal justice system they were all too familiar with.

This is the second time that the Association has completed a programme like this, following a previous successful pilot in 2015-16. This project has now seen some 12 young people employed through our Govan Home Team. The young people have now built their own resilience, confidence and skills to retain employment. Now they take pride in keeping the community, which they once disrespected, clean, tidy and vibrant through estate management and landscaping services.

The project takes a holistic approach with various partners involved in what we believe is a truly community led, employability-focused programme of activity. The project encourages young people to engage with the job market and take pride in their community, whilst providing them access to a range of professional support agencies to help build social skills, manage family pressures and make the programme engaging and interesting for participants.