We have completed our assessment of compliance with the Regulatory Framework and the Regulatory Standards of Governance and Financial Management. In order to arrive at the assessment, the governing body has been provided with the Annual Assurance Report including a comprehensive evidence bank containing relevant documents and information. The report assessment template is based on the SFHA toolkit model June 2023. This report has been subject to a comprehensive internal audit and all relevant recommendations have been included. A detailed review of this audit will be presented to Audit Committee in November 2023.
The governing body of Govan Housing Association confirms we are assured, having reviewed and assessed the evidence, that to the best of our knowledge we remain materially compliant with the Regulatory Standards of Governance and Financial Management and the requirement of Chapter 3 of the Regulatory Framework. The evidence that supports this Statement includes:
We are satisfied that we meet all of our statutory duties in relation to tenant and resident safety. In particular, we have gained the necessary evidence based assurance of our compliance in respect of duties relating to;
Gas Safety – 100% compliant
Electrical Safety – 100% compliant
Fire Safety Regulations – All relevant FRA’s, Fires Alarms, Fire Extinguishers inspections are up to date.
Water/Legionella Safety – All legionella Water Tests and Temperature test are up to date
Lift Safety – All inspections / LOLER up to date
Asbestos Management – Surveys being carried out and register being updated and monitored.
Mould and Damp – we are currently developing a Damp and Mould Policy and will implement a programme of works on completion of our Stock Condition Survey. We work reactively to address reported issues.
We are working towards implementing our statutory obligations in relation to equalities.
As Chairperson of the meeting held on 26th October 2023 at Govan Housing Association, I confirm I was authorised by the governing body to sign and submit this Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
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