
Govan Tenant Services Scrutiny Group (GTSSG)

Customer Focused

Independent Panel

Govan Tenant Services Scrutiny Group (GTSSG) provides an independent, customer-focused advisory and consultative role to Govan Housing Association (GHA), and will at times robustly challenge policy and practice as a ‘critical friend’, as stated within the aims and objectives of the tenants panel.   


As part of our adherence to the Scottish Social Housing Charter, Govan Housing Association is committed to greater involvement of tenants and residents in decision making and scrutiny of service delivery that will lead to greater customer satisfaction.

The SP will play a critical role in ensuring that services are delivered to the highest standards. The SP will be a tenant-led, self-regulation group, and will carry out its scrutiny role by having access to staff and Management Committee members of Govan Housing Association to request information and challenge performance where appropriate.

The panel will present to the Management Committee the customers’ viewpoint regarding services and how those services are performing.

The group will meet on a quarterly basis and will present an annual presentation to the Management Committee detailing its findings.

If you are interested in joining our Scrutiny Panel then please contact

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