
Adult Disability Payment

The new Scottish Government benefit replaces the UK Government’s Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and provides financial support to people aged between 16 and state pension age, who are disabled, have a long-term health condition or have a terminal illness.

People already receiving PIP and Disability Living Allowance do not need to make an application for Adult Disability Payment. These existing awards will transfer automatically from the DWP to Social Security Scotland. Cases will transfer in stages starting from this summer and this process is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Adult Disability Payment will be available across Scotland from 29 August. It has already been successfully introduced in Angus, Perth, Dundee, North and South Lanarkshire as well as the Western Isles.

Importantly, people who are entitled to Adult Disability Payment will see their first payment backdated to the day they applied for assistance meaning no one will lose out financially.