
Summer Ball

Save The Date, Saturday 3rd September

Dust off those dancing shoes and join Annie, Friends Of Elder Park & Craft Cafe at their Summer Ball, Another Chance to Dance with Shona.

All money raised will go towards The Shona Foundation who bring provide a safe welcoming environment connecting people through nature.

Saturday 3rd September, 2pm – 11pm at Elderpark Community Centre, 82 Elderpark Street, G51 3ST

Cost: £5 entry (pay at the Door) this also includes buffet

Join us for a day full of activity and Fun.

There will be Storytelling, Table top sale with Plants, homemade crafts, plants, baking & more

Buffet and Disco

Feel free to choose your decade of Disco and Dress Up (Costume optional)

For more information you can contact Annie Morgan on 07879 653935